The river corridor is probably the largest area of managed retreat in an urban centre worldwide. How can our experience inform processes of managed retreat elsewhere? The question is central to this project, which has developed a model of ‘retreat’, ‘relocation’ and ‘re-imagining’. Re-imagining asks how can the land be re-used for projects that further lower environmental and social risks.
Student Project Repository
This page showcases projects from the GEOG309 and GEOG402 courses, focused on the RRZ. Each project highlights innovative thinking and practical application, providing valuable insights for students and researchers. We invite you to explore these contributions to appreciate the work being done.
Billy Greening, Kaylee Jamieson, Eva Kerton, Olga Kuzmin, Sarah Tervoort
Allie Chesterman, Ella Farrugia, Kimberley Kingston, Lisa Syme, Sophie Clarke
Courtney Rattray, Grace Kelly, Grace van de Velden and Lauren Condon
Jacqui Wucherpfennig, Wade Zervos, Joshua Koppier, Holly Johnstone, Sarah Hunter
Sef Erasito, Joshua Fraser, Christopher Peacocke, Mitchell Phillips, & Laurence Smith
Laura Quaid, Khiem Nguyen, Talia Ellison, Xolile Ncube
Katie Collier, Will Keay, George Moon, Huiling Ni, Tim Stoddart
Hannah Goslin, Robert Poynter, Ben Twyman, Blair Waller & Marilyn Yurjevich
Sarah Long, Emma Fleetwood, Sarah Hayman, Paul Sutherland, James Lentjes & Ellis Evens
Toiata Apelu - Uili , Aimee Martin & Daniel Risi
Kathryn Bates, Nick Brewer, Raewyne Gray, Charlotte Phelps & Lee Richmond
Euan Cox, Daniel Gilmour, Paul Goodhue, Lyndsey Kelly, Natalie Van Looy